Archive for March, 2015

LI SPRING INTO ACTIONSpring brings about a totally new energy to our environments. Everything outside is coming to life and blooming into a new start. This is also just as good a time as any to begin to spring into action with your career and business.  Take a good look at what you have accomplished so far at work. Celebrate the victories! It is so important to stop and smell the flowers as you aspire to grow and go into new territories.

Evaluate what is not working for you. If you are a job seeker and you have yet to land your dream job, take a look a look at few key areas. Those key areas may include your marketing materials such as your cover letter and resume. Are those materials looking the best that they can look? Is your resume standing out from the rest? Also, take a look at where you are looking for work. If you are hitting a dead end with certain job search engines, perhaps it’s time to explore looking through a temp agency or expanding your networking time. Your dream job could be in the hands of your next contact.

For business owners, take a look at the bottom line. Are you generating a healthy stream of income through your business? How broad is your customer base? Take a look at the systems that you have in place and make sure that they are serving you well.

Our careers and business ventures involve so much of our time, talent, and treasure and the spring time is a great time to make sure that we are flourishing.